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Porträt Dr. John C. Comisi

Dr. John C. Comisi, D.D.S.

Dr. Comisi practiced general dentistry successfully in Ithaca, NY for 35 years before relocating to Charleston, South Carolina in August 2017 to join the faculty at the Medical University of South Carolina James B. Edwards College of Dental Medicine where he is an Associate Professor of Restorative Dentistry.

He holds a certificate from the Academy of Clinical Sleep Disorder Disciplines and is a diplomate of the American Sleep and Breathing Academy. H

He is the Course Director for the College's Operative Dentistry II (adhesive and esthetic dentistry) Course, Chair of the Department of Reconstructive and Rehabilitation Sciences, Dental Materials Committee, Course Director of the newly created Dental Sleep Medicine Elective, the first of its kind interdisciplinary course at MUSC and held the role of Infection Control Officer for the College during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Dr. Comisi is currently the Immediate President of the South Carolina Dental Association. A 1983 graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, he received his Bachelor of Science in Biology at Fordham University. Dr. Comisi is an Emeritus Member and Master of the Academy of General Dentistry, and holds Fellowships in the Academy of Dentistry International, the American College of Dentists, the Pierre Fauchard Academy, and the International College of Dentists.

Case Reports

Behandlung einer tiefreichenden Approximalraumkaries an Zahn 46 mesial und distal
Autor: Dr. Günter Eggert
Behandlung einer tiefreichenden Karies an Zahn 25 distal
Autor: Dr. Günter Eggert
Der Registrierungsprozess: Voll-digitalisierte Funktionsaufnahme mit MODJAW

Autor: American Dental Systems
Behandlung einer tiefreichenden Karies an Zahn 25 distal mit Pulpabeteiligung und Wurzelkanalbehandlung
Autor: Dr. Günter Eggert
Obturation nach einer erfolgreichen Revision der insuffizienten Wurzelkanalfüllung mit einer symptomatischen apikalen Parodontitis
Autoren: Dr. Chinh Tran Khanh